
My artwork was inspired by some very creative, skilled, and gifted artists. Some of my ideas and efforts draw upon what they’ve accomplished and I want to recognize them and say thank you!

Dmitriy Khristenko
Starting with his intricate ‘The Time Machine’, Dmitriy Khristenko has been a hero and inspiration to me (and to many others). His creativity and ability makes him one of top ‘Wow’ factors. Thank you Dmitriy.

Steve La Riccia  
Steve La Riccia makes stuff that ends up in museums; that pretty much says it. He is a wizard that amazes and inspires me. Plus, his website is totally awesome. Thank you Steve.

Thayer DeMay
Thayer DeMay is remarkable. He says the goal of his art is to be “very visual, unusual and interesting”. That’s an understatement; it’s totally amazing! Thank you Thayer.

Lenny and Meriel Lenfesteys
Sparebots, so darn cute! I started my journey by making (mostly copying) the works of Lenny and Meriel Lenfesteys. Their talent, imagination, and humor made me smile so much and gave me inspiration. Thank you Lenny and Meriel.

Creations By Baloopas
The use and illumination of vacuum tubes by Creations By Baloopas gave me confirmation that my efforts were achievable. Their sharp professional sculptures are as brilliant as they are beautiful. Thank you Baloopas.

Franco Recchia
Italian artist Franco Recchia (see his work on Pinterest) is a master of beautiful skylines and urban landscapes using old computer parts and materials. His imagination and talents inspired me to try it myself. Thank you Franco.

David Hutchinson
A special shout out and thanks to ‘Hutch’ here in Idaho Falls for teaching me how to cut a piece of wood with a true 90 degree angle, and then finish it beautifully. Hutch is an expert in everything it seems; including wood. One of those good friends to have around. Thank you Hutch.

Bruce Rosenbaum
Bruce Rosenbaum is a big name in the world of Steampunk and I got to meet with him when he unveiled his ‘Discover Steampunk’ exhibit the Museum of Idaho in Idaho Falls. During the Maker Faire portion, Bruce looked closely at my work and his feedback provided great affirmation. Thank you Bruce.